BoltBait's Plugin Pack for PdN v4.3.10 - 4.3.12

BoltBait's Plugin Pack for PdN v4.3.10 - 4.3.12
Ефекти для
17.05.2023, 15:15

Once you install this plugin pack, here's what you get:


Adjustments menu


BlackAndWhitePlus16.png Black and White+ :ViewZoomIn: Use selected method for converting a color photograph into B&W.

ColorBalance.png Color Balance :ViewZoomIn: Easily adjust the tint of an image. Useful for color correcting photographs taken indoors without flash. The difference between this and the built-in Hue/Saturation adjustment is that this one will affect black and white areas.

Combined16.png Combined Adjustments :ViewZoomIn: All of your favorite adjustments on one screen.

HueSatPlus.png Hue/Saturation+ :ViewZoomIn: Conditional Hue / Saturation effect.

TemperatureTint16.pngTemperature/Tint :ViewZoomIn: Temperature / Tint effect.

TransparentIcon.png Transparency :ViewZoomIn: Adjust the transparency of a selection just like you can adjust it for an entire layer.



Effects menu


Horiz.png Flip Horizontal - flips the selection on the vertical axis. Similar to the layer flip of the same name.

Vertical.png Flip Vertical - flips the selection on the horizontal axis. Similar to the layer flip of the same name.



Effects > Artistic menu


Dream.png Dream :ViewZoomIn: This makes your picture look like it was seen in a dream.

OilPaintingPlus.png Oil Painting+ :ViewZoomIn: Makes your photographs look painted.

PastelIcon.png Pastel :ViewZoomIn: This makes your picture look like it was drawn with pastel chalk or water color paint. Big update for this release.



Effects > Blurs menu


BlurPlusIcon.png Gaussian Blur Plus - With it, you can blur only the Red, Blue, Green, or Alpha channel of the image. It also allows you to blend the original picture with the blurred image. (Try blurring all channels of the image with a radius of 10 and a Darken blend mode. Cool stuff.)



Effects > Composition menu


image.png Complementary Colors - Select the primary color of your design work and this plugin will tell you which accent colors to use.  It uses the RYB color model for more natural matches.



Effects > Fill


ClipboardIcon.png From Clipboard :ViewZoomIn: Fills the current selection with the graphic on the clipboard.

OpenIcon.png From File :ViewZoomIn: Fills the current selection with a graphic file.



Effects > Object menu


An "object" is a group of pixels on a layer that is completely surrounded by transparent pixels (or the edge(s) of the canvas). These are useful when doing "cutouts" or with text on a new layer.


BevelSelection.png Bevel Object :ViewZoomIn: This effect allows you to make objects 3D. Works great with text!

feather.png Feather :ViewZoomIn: This effect softens the edges of objects. 

InnerShadow.png Inner Shadow :ViewZoomIn: Renders a shadow on objects so they look like they have been cut out.

Shadow16.png Object Shadow :ViewZoomIn: Renders a 2D shadow behind objects.  This is your standard "drop shadow".  It can also render modern shadows.

image.png Object Shadow 3D - Renders a 3D shadow behind objects.

Outline16.png Outline - This effect puts an outline of the selected color around your object.

PasteAlpha16.png Paste Alpha - This effect takes the graphic on the clipboard and converts the colors to shades of gray and then uses that for the alpha values of the current layer. Useful for using masks.

Alpha2Gray.png Switch Alpha to Gray - This effect converts the image to shades of gray based on the alpha value of each pixel. Useful for making masks.

DelWorB.png Switch Gray to Alpha - This effect deletes white from and image and converts all other pixels to black. Useful for isolating line art.



Effects > Photo menu


Combined16.png Combined Adjustments :ViewZoomIn: Many adjustments for photographs all on one screen

LevelHorizon.png Level Horizon :ViewZoomIn: Rotate an image by drawing a line across the horizon.

MemeMaker.pngMeme Maker  :ViewZoomIn: Create your own Memes.

RemoveDust.png Remove Dust :ViewZoomIn: Removes little white dust particles by clone stamping them out. I find this very helpful when scanning photographs.

Landscape.png Sharpen Landscape :ViewZoomIn: Makes your landscape photographs look like they belong in a magazine!

SeamCarvingH.png Seam Carving - Reduce height :ViewZoomIn: Reduce the height of an image without scaling (squishing) the image.

SeamCarving.png Seam Carving - Reduce width :ViewZoomIn: Reduce the width of an image without scaling (squishing) the image.

VignettePlus.png Vignette+ :ViewZoomIn: Extends the capabilities of the built-in Vignette effect with colors and the ability to render a vignette to a blank canvas.



Effects > Render menu


Calendar.png Calendar :ViewZoomIn: Render a monthly calendar.  Month name and Days of the week are localized. Includes many options.

Chart16.png Charts and Graphs :ViewZoomIn: Like a mini spreadsheet, enter your data and plot a graph!

Dimensions.png Dimensions :ViewZoomIn: This doesn't measure anything. It just renders the dimension arrows and label text.

Fire16.png Flames :ViewZoomIn: This effect allows you to render flames. It is based on Tom Jackson's excellent fire tutorial. Big update this release.

HSVGradientEffect.png Gradients :ViewZoomIn: Render colorful HSV (rainbow) gradients.

GridCheckerboard.png Grid / Checkerboard :ViewZoomIn: Create checker board or grid patterns.

Polygon.png Polygon / Stars :ViewZoomIn: This effect allows you to render triangles, pentagons, hexagons, etc. It also allows you to render stars. It is useful in making standard shapes and the pointed edges of stickers.



Effects > Selection menu


Effects in this menu perform their effect by following the selection outline (marching ants). While they will work with a square selection (or no selection by using the edges of the canvas as their path), they are more interesting when the selection is curved :EllipseSelectTool:, selected by hand :LassoSelectTool:, or by magic wand :MagicWandTool:.


BevelSelection.png Bevel Selection :ViewZoomIn: This effect allows you to make selections 3D. Works great with text!

BlurSelectionEdge.png Blur Selection Edge - This effect feathers the edges of a selection using the surrounding colors instead of transparency. Useful when the selection is not surrounded by transparent pixels.

feather.png Feather Selection :ViewZoomIn: This effect softens the edges of your selection. It works just like the feather in other graphic$ program$.

InnerShadow.png Inner Shadow Selection :ViewZoomIn: Renders a shadow on the inside of a selection so it looks like it has been cut out.

OutlineSelection.png Outline Selection :ViewZoomIn: This effect allows you to outline a selection.



Effects > Stylize menu


FloydSteinbergDithering.png Floyd-Steinberg Dithering :ViewZoomIn: This effect will reduce the colors of your image using the Floyd-Steinberg dithering technique.  Another plugin with a big update this release.  Added some really cool new features.



Effects > Text formations


CreativeTextPro.png Creative Text Pro :ViewZoomIn: Creates professional looking 3D text.  Amazing.  I still can't believe we give this one away for free.

OutlinedGradientText.png Outlined / Gradient text :ViewZoomIn: Creates text that is outlined with a selected color and filled with a solid color or a gradient.  I have really enhanced this one during this release.  Be sure to check out all the new features.



Window > Colors > More > Open Palettes Folder


:ColorPalettes: I have also included my Rainbow Palette. This is very popular on the forums.  In the Color docker window, click the :ColorPalettes: button and choose Rainbow from the list.  This is what the Rainbow Palette looks like:





Custom Shapes


This plugin pack also includes 50+ custom shapes. :ShapesTool: In the installer, you can pick-and-chose which ones you want.



.dll | 9,63 Mb

BoltBait's Plugin Pack for PdN v4.3.10 - 4.3.12

Завантажити BoltBait's Plugin Pack for PdN v4.3.10 - 4.3.12 (9,63 Mb)

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